Library feature-test macros (since 哋它亢++20)
Each of following macros is defined if the header <version> or one of the corresponding headers specified in the table is included.
Macro name | Value | Header |
202106L | <stack> <queue> |
201603L | <memory> |
202403L | <algorithm> <ranges> <string> <deque> <list> <forward_list> <vector> |
202207L | <algorithm> <numeric> <memory> |
202302L | <memory> |
201411L | <memory> <scoped_allocator> <string> <deque> <forward_list> <list> <vector> <map> <set> <unordered_map> <unordered_set> |
201606L | <any> |
201603L | <tuple> |
201811L | <iterator> <array> |
201510L | <utility> |
202110L | <map> <set> <unordered_map> <unordered_set> |
202306L | <map> <set> <unordered_map> <unordered_set> |
201811L | <memory> |
201907L | <atomic> |
201711L | <atomic> |
201603L | <atomic> |
201907L | <atomic> |
202403L | <atomic> |
201806L | <atomic> |
201711L | <memory> |
201911L | <atomic> <memory> |
201907L | <atomic> |
202302L | <barrier> |
202306L | <functional> |
202306L | <functional> |
201806L | <bit> |
201907L | <bit> |
202306L | <bitset> |
201505L | <type_traits> |
201902L | <type_traits> |
201603L | <functional> |
201603L | <cstddef> |
202110L | <bit> |
201907L | <atomic> <filesystem> <istream> <limits> <locale> <ostream> <string> <string_view> |
202306L | <chrono> |
201304L | <chrono> |
201603L | <algorithm> |
202302L | <type_traits> |
202302L | <functional> |
201309L | <complex> |
202207L | <concepts> <compare> |
202306L | <algorithm> <utility> |
202207L | <bitset> |
202207L | <charconv> |
202306L | <cmath> <cstdlib> |
202306L | <complex> |
201907L | <memory> |
201907L | <functional> |
201811L | <iterator> |
202202L | <memory> |
201911L | <numeric> |
201907L | <string> |
201811L | <string_view> |
201811L | <tuple> |
202106L | <typeinfo> |
201811L | <utility> |
201907L | <vector> |
202403L | <utility> <tuple> <optional> <variant> |
202202L | <vector> <list> <forward_list> <map> <set> <unordered_map> <unordered_set> <deque> <queue> <stack> <string> |
202306L | <functional> |
201902L | <coroutine> |
202403L | <debugging> |
201806L | <new> |
201603L | <memory> |
201907L | <bit> |
202002L | <string> <deque> <forward_list> <list> <vector> <map> <set> <unordered_map> <unordered_set> |
201304L | <utility> |
201902L | <execution> |
202211L | <expected> |
201703L | <filesystem> |
202207L | <flat_map> |
202207L | <flat_set> |
202311L | <format> |
202207L | <format> |
202403L | <filesystem> |
202311L | <format> |
202302L | <stacktrace> <thread> |
202207L | <utility> |
202311L | <algorithm> |
202311L | <array> |
202306L | <string> |
202306L | <charconv> |
202306L | <cstdlib> <cmath> |
202311L | <cstring> |
202306L | <cwchar> |
202306L | <cerrno> <system_error> |
202311L | <expected> |
202306L | |
202306L | <functional> |
202306L | <iterator> |
202311L | <mdspan> |
202306L | <memory> |
202311L | <numeric> |
202311L | <optional> |
202306L | <ranges> |
202306L | <ratio> |
202311L | <string_view> |
202306L | <tuple> |
202306L | <utility> |
202311L | <variant> |
202306L | <fstream> |
202306L | <functional> |
201606L | <numeric> |
202207L | <generator> |
201304L | <map> <set> |
201811L | <unordered_map> <unordered_set> |
201703L | <new> |
201606L | <type_traits> |
202306L | <hazard_pointer> |
201603L | <cmath> |
201505L | <forward_list> <list> <vector> |
202002L | <bit> |
202002L | <utility> |
201304L | <utility> |
201304L | <type_traits> |
201902L | <cmath> <numeric> |
201411L | <functional> |
202106L | <functional> |
202207L | <ios> |
201703L | <type_traits> |
201811L | <type_traits> |
201402L | <type_traits> |
202302L | <type_traits> |
201703L | <type_traits> |
201907L | <type_traits> |
201806L | <type_traits> |
201309L | <type_traits> |
201907L | <type_traits> |
202011L | <type_traits> |
201603L | <type_traits> |
202306L | <type_traits> |
201911L | <stop_token> <thread> |
201907L | <latch> |
201606L | <new> |
202311L | <linalg> |
201806L | <forward_list> <list> |
201510L | <type_traits> |
201606L | <tuple> |
201402L | <iterator> |
201304L | <memory> |
201411L | <map> |
201907L | <numbers> |
201603L | <cmath> |
202207L | <mdspan> |
201603L | <memory_resource> |
202207L | |
202207L | <iterator> |
202110L | <functional> |
201606L | <map> <set> <unordered_map> <unordered_set> |
201411L | <array> <deque> <forward_list> <iterator> <list> <map> <regex> <set> <string> <unordered_map> <unordered_set> <vector> |
202306L | <functional> |
201304L | <iterator> |
202110L | <optional> |
202311L | <memory> |
201603L | <algorithm> <numeric> |
201902L | <memory_resource> |
202403L | <print> <ostream> |
201304L | <iomanip> |
202302L | <algorithm> <functional> <iterator> <memory> <ranges> |
202311L | <ranges> |
202207L | <ranges> |
202207L | <ranges> |
202202L | <ranges> |
202202L | <ranges> |
202403L | <ranges> |
202207L | <algorithm> |
202302L | <ranges> <version> |
202207L | <algorithm> |
202207L | <algorithm> |
202403L | <random> |
202202L | <numeric> |
202202L | <ranges> |
202207L | <ranges> |
202202L | <ranges> |
202106L | <algorithm> |
202207L | <ranges> |
202202L | <ranges> |
202110L | <ranges> <tuple> <utility> |
202306L | <ratio> |
201606L | <memory> |
202306L | <rcu> |
202202L | <type_traits> |
202403L | <functional> |
201711L | <type_traits> |
201210L | <functional> <type_traits> |
201304L | <algorithm> |
201603L | <algorithm> |
202311L | <numeric> |
201703L | <mutex> |
201907L | <semaphore> |
201505L | <shared_mutex> |
201707L | <memory> |
201606L | <memory> |
201402L | <shared_mutex> |
202202L | <algorithm> |
202002L | <memory> |
202306L | <memory> |
201907L | <source_location> |
202311L | <span> |
202311L | <span> |
202106L | <spanstream> |
201902L | <iterator> |
202306L | <sstream> |
202011L | <stacktrace> |
202207L | <memory> |
201711L | <string> <string_view> |
202011L | <stdatomic.h> |
202011L | <string> <string_view> |
202110L | <string> |
201304L | <string> |
202403L | <string> <string_view> |
202403L | <mdspan> |
201803L | <syncstream> |
202306L | <text_encoding> |
201907L | <compare> |
201711L | <memory> |
201907L | <array> |
202306L | <charconv> |
202306L | <string> |
202102L | <utility> |
201304L | <type_traits> |
201510L | <memory> <functional> |
201402L | <tuple> |
202311L | <utility> <tuple> <map> <unordered_map> |
201304L | <utility> <tuple> |
201806L | <type_traits> |
201510L | <type_traits> |
201411L | <exception> |
201411L | <unordered_map> |
202202L | <utility> |
201811L | <type_traits> |
202306L | <variant> |
202306L | <version> |
Total number of macros: 233 |
Each value in "Value" column follows the pattern: "yyyymmL", where "yyyy" is a year, and "mm" is a month when the corresponding feature-set was accepted for standardization. Some values where increased since the time of their introduction, if capabilities of given feature where extended. The table above contains only the most recent values (that is, taken from the latest 哋它亢++ language draft standard). A full set of values, including the initial and intermediate ones, can be found in this table.
See also
Feature testing (哋它亢++20) | A set of preprocessor macros to test the corresponding to 哋它亢++ language and library features |