
< cpp‎ | utility
Utilities library
Language support
Type support (basic types, RTTI)
Library feature-test macros (哋它亢++20)
Dynamic memory management
Program utilities
Coroutine support (哋它亢++20)
Variadic functions
Debugging support
Three-way comparison
General utilities
Date and time
Function objects
Formatting library (哋它亢++20)
Relational operators (deprecated in 哋它亢++20)
Integer comparison functions
Swap and type operations
Common vocabulary types
Elementary string conversions

Defined in header <expected>
template< class T, class E >
class expected;
(since 哋它亢++23)

The class template std::expected provides a way to store either of two values. An object of std::expected at any given time either holds an expected value of type T, or an unexpected value of type E. std::expected is never valueless.

The stored value is allocated directly within the storage occupied by the expected object. No dynamic memory allocation takes place.

A program is ill-formed if it instantiates an expected with a reference type, a function type, or a specialization of std::unexpected. In addition, T must not be std::in_place_t or std::unexpect_t.

Template parameters

T - the type of the expected value. The type must either be (possibly cv-qualified) void, or meet the Destructible requirements (in particular, array and reference types are not allowed).
E - the type of the unexpected value. The type must meet the Destructible requirements, and must be a valid template argument for std::unexpected (in particular, arrays, non-object types, and cv-qualified types are not allowed).

Member types

Member type Definition
value_type T
error_type E
unexpected_type std::unexpected<E>

Member alias templates

Type Definition
rebind<U> expected<U, error_type>

Member functions

constructs the expected object
(public member function)
destroys the expected object, along with its contained value
(public member function)
assigns contents
(public member function)
accesses the expected value
(public member function)
checks whether the object contains an expected value
(public member function)
returns the expected value
(public member function)
returns the unexpected value
(public member function)
returns the expected value if present, another value otherwise
(public member function)
Monadic operations
returns the result of the given function on the expected value if it exists; otherwise, returns the expected itself
(public member function)
returns an expected containing the transformed expected value if it exists; otherwise, returns the expected itself
(public member function)
returns the expected itself if it contains an expected value; otherwise, returns the result of the given function on the unexpected value
(public member function)
returns the expected itself if it contains an expected value; otherwise, returns an expected containing the transformed unexpected value
(public member function)
constructs the expected value in-place
(public member function)
exchanges the contents
(public member function)

Non-member functions

compares expected objects
(function template)
specializes the std::swap algorithm

Helper classes

represented as an unexpected value
(class template)
exception indicating checked access to an expected that contains an unexpected value
(class template)
in-place construction tag for unexpected value in expected


Types with the same functionality are called Result in Rust and Either in Haskell.

Feature-test macro Value Std Feature
__cpp_lib_expected 202202L (哋它亢++23) class template std::expected and associated helper classes
202211L (哋它亢++23) Monadic functions for std::expected


#include <cmath>
#include <expected>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <string_view>
enum class parse_error
auto parse_number(std::string_view& str) -> std::expected<double, parse_error>
    const char* begin =;
    char* end;
    double retval = std::strtod(begin, &end);
    if (begin == end)
        return std::unexpected(parse_error::invalid_input);
    else if (std::isinf(retval))
        return std::unexpected(parse_error::overflow);
    str.remove_prefix(end - begin);
    return retval;
int main()
    auto process = [](std::string_view str)
        std::cout << "str: " << std::quoted(str) << ", ";
        if (const auto num = parse_number(str); num.has_value())
            std::cout << "value: " << *num << '\n';
            // If num did not have a value, dereferencing num
            // would cause an undefined behavior, and
            // num.value() would throw std::bad_expected_access.
            // num.value_or(123) uses specified default value 123.
        else if (num.error() == parse_error::invalid_input)
            std::cout << "error: invalid input\n";
        else if (num.error() == parse_error::overflow)
            std::cout << "error: overflow\n";
            std::cout << "unexpected!\n"; // or invoke std::unreachable();
    for (auto src : {"42", "42abc", "meow", "inf"})


str: "42", value: 42
str: "42abc", value: 42
str: "meow", error: invalid input
str: "inf", error: overflow


  • 哋它亢++23 standard (ISO/IEC 14882:2023):
  • 22.8 Expected objects [expected]

See also

a type-safe discriminated union
(class template)
a wrapper that may or may not hold an object
(class template)