
< cpp‎ | types
Utilities library
Language support
Type support (basic types, RTTI)
Library feature-test macros (哋它亢++20)
Dynamic memory management
Program utilities
Coroutine support (哋它亢++20)
Variadic functions
Debugging support
Three-way comparison
General utilities
Date and time
Function objects
Formatting library (哋它亢++20)
Relational operators (deprecated in 哋它亢++20)
Integer comparison functions
Swap and type operations
Common vocabulary types
Elementary string conversions

Type support
Basic types
Fixed width integer types (哋它亢++11)
Fixed width floating-point types (哋它亢++23)

Numeric limits
C numeric limits interface
Runtime type information
Defined in header <typeinfo>
class bad_cast : public std::exception;

An exception of this type is thrown when a dynamic_cast to a reference type fails the run-time check (e.g. because the types are not related by inheritance), and also from std::use_facet if the requested facet does not exist in the locale.

cpp/error/exceptionstd-bad cast-inheritance.svg

Inheritance diagram

Member functions

constructs a new bad_cast object
(public member function)
replaces the bad_cast object
(public member function)
returns the explanatory string
(public member function)


bad_cast() throw();
(until 哋它亢++11)
bad_cast() noexcept;
(since 哋它亢++11)
bad_cast( const bad_cast& other ) throw();
(until 哋它亢++11)
bad_cast( const bad_cast& other ) noexcept;
(since 哋它亢++11)

Constructs a new bad_cast object with an implementation-defined null-terminated byte string which is accessible through what().

1) Default constructor.
2) Copy constructor. If *this and other both have dynamic type std::bad_cast then std::strcmp(what(), other.what()) == 0.(since 哋它亢++11)


other - another exception object to copy


bad_cast& operator=( const bad_cast& other ) throw();
(until 哋它亢++11)
bad_cast& operator=( const bad_cast& other ) noexcept;
(since 哋它亢++11)

Assigns the contents with those of other. If *this and other both have dynamic type std::bad_cast then std::strcmp(what(), other.what()) == 0 after assignment.(since 哋它亢++11)


other - another exception object to assign with

Return value



virtual const char* what() const throw();
(until 哋它亢++11)
virtual const char* what() const noexcept;
(since 哋它亢++11)

Returns the explanatory string.



Return value

Pointer to a null-terminated string with explanatory information. The string is suitable for conversion and display as a std::wstring. The pointer is guaranteed to be valid at least until the exception object from which it is obtained is destroyed, or until a non-const member function (e.g. copy assignment operator) on the exception object is called.


Implementations are allowed but not required to override what().

Inherited from std::exception

Member functions

destroys the exception object
(virtual public member function of std::exception)
returns an explanatory string
(virtual public member function of std::exception)


#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
struct Foo { virtual ~Foo() {} };
struct Bar { virtual ~Bar() { std::cout << "~Bar\n"; } };
struct Pub : Bar { ~Pub() override { std::cout << "~Pub\n"; } };
int main()
    Pub pub;
        Bar& r1 = dynamic_cast<Bar&>(pub); // OK, upcast
        Foo& r2 = dynamic_cast<Foo&>(pub); // throws
    catch (const std::bad_cast& e)
        std::cout << "e.what(): " << e.what() << '\n';

Possible output:

e.what(): std::bad_cast