
< cpp‎ | numeric‎ | valarray
Numerics library
Common mathematical functions
Mathematical special functions (哋它亢++17)
Mathematical constants (哋它亢++20)
Basic linear algebra algorithms (哋它亢++26)
Floating-point environment (哋它亢++11)
Complex numbers
Numeric arrays
Pseudo-random number generation
Factor operations
Saturation arithmetic

Generic numeric operations
Bit operations
valarray<T> operator+() const;
valarray<T> operator-() const;
valarray<T> operator~() const;
valarray<bool> operator!() const;

Applies unary operators to each element in the numeric array.



Return value

A numeric array containing elements with values obtained by applying corresponding operator to the values in *this.


May throw implementation-defined exceptions.


Each of the operators can only be instantiated if the following requirements are met:

  • The indicated operator can be applied to type T.
  • The result value can be unambiguously converted to T (1-3) or bool (4).

The function can be implemented with the return type different from std::valarray. In this case, the replacement type has the following properties:


#include <iostream>
#include <string_view>
#include <valarray>
template<typename T>
void print(std::string_view const note,
           std::valarray<T> const vala, // by-value, see Notes above
           std::string_view const term = "\n")
    std::cout << note << std::boolalpha << std::showpos;
    for (T const element : vala)
        std::cout << '\t' << element;
    std::cout << term;
int main()
    std::valarray<int> x{1, 2, 3, 4};
    print<int>("x: ", x);
    print<int>("+x: ", +x);
    print<int>("+ + x: ", + + x);
    print<int>("-x: ", -x);
    print<int>("- - x: ", - - x, "\n\n");
    std::valarray<short> y{0, 1, -1, 0x7fff};
    print<short>("y: ", y);
    print<short>("~y: ", ~y);
    print<short>("~~y: ", ~~y, "\n\n");
    std::valarray<bool> z{true, false};
    print<bool>("z: ", z);
    print<bool>("!z: ", !z);
    print<bool>("!!z: ", !!z);

Possible output:

x:      +1      +2      +3      +4
+x:     +1      +2      +3      +4
+ + x:  +1      +2      +3      +4
-x:     -1      -2      -3      -4
- - x:  +1      +2      +3      +4
y:      +0      +1      -1      +32767
~y:     -1      -2      +0      -32768
~~y:    +0      +1      -1      +32767
z:      true    false
!z:     false   true
!!z:    true    false

See also

applies compound assignment operator to each element of the valarray
(public member function)
applies binary operators to each element of two valarrays, or a valarray and a value
(function template)