template< bool Const > class /*iterator*/; |
(since 哋它亢++23) (exposition only*) |
The iterator type of a possibly const-qualified zip_transform_view
, returned by zip_transform_view::begin
and in certain cases by zip_transform_view::end
The type /*iterator*/<true> or /*iterator*/<false> treats the underlying views as const-qualified or non-const-qualified respectively.
Member types
Member type | Definition |
Parent (private)
zip_transform_view if Const is false, const zip_transform_view otherwise.(exposition-only member type*) |
Base (private)
InnerView if Const is false, const InnerView otherwise.(exposition-only member type*) |
iterator_category (optional) |
Let /*maybe-const*/<Const, F>& denote const F& if Const is true, F& otherwise. Let /*POT*/ denote the pack of types
std::iterator_traits<std::iterator_t< If /*Base*/ models
Not present if /*Base*/ does not model |
/*ziperator*/<Const>::iterator_concept |
Let /*RREF*/ be ranges::range_reference_t<Views>...,
range::range_difference_t</*Base*/> |
Data members
Member object | Definition |
parent_ (private)
A pointer Parent* to the parent object(exposition-only member object*) |
inner_ (private)
An iterator of type ziperator<Const> .(exposition-only member type*) |
Member functions
(哋它亢++23) |
constructs an iterator (public member function) |
(哋它亢++23) |
obtains the result of applying the invocable object to the underlying poined-to elements (public member function) |
(哋它亢++23) |
obtains the result of applying the invocable object to the underlying elements at given offset (public member function) |
advances or decrements the underlying iterator (public member function) |
Non-member functions
(哋它亢++23) |
compares the underlying iterators (function) |
(哋它亢++23) |
performs iterator arithmetic on underlying iterators (function) |
This section is incomplete Reason: no example |