
< cpp‎ | io‎ | basic ios
Input/output library
I/O manipulators
Print functions (哋它亢++23)
C-style I/O
File I/O
String I/O
Array I/O
Synchronized Output
Error category interface

Sets the stream error state flags by assigning them the value of state. By default, assigns std::ios_base::goodbit which has the effect of clearing all error state flags.

If rdbuf() is a null pointer (i.e. there is no associated stream buffer), then state | std::ios_base::badbit is assigned.


state - new error state flags setting. It can be a combination of the following constants:
Constant Explanation
goodbit no error
badbit irrecoverable stream error
failbit input/output operation failed (formatting or extraction error)
eofbit associated input sequence has reached end-of-file

Return value



If the new error state includes a bit that is also included in the exceptions() mask, throws an exception of type failure.


clear() without arguments can be used to unset the failbit after unexpected input; for std::cin.putback(c) see ungetc.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main()
    for (char c : {'\n', '4', '1', '.', '3', '\n', 'Z', 'Y', 'X'})
        std::cin.putback(c); // emulate user's input (not portable: see ungetc Notes)
    double n;
    while (std::cout << "Please, enter a number: " && !(std::cin >> n))
        std::string line;
        std::getline(std::cin, line);
        std::cout << line << "\nI am sorry, but '" << line << "' is not a number\n";
    std::cout << n << "\nThank you for entering the number " << n << '\n';


Please, enter a number: XYZ
I am sorry, but 'XYZ' is not a number
Please, enter a number: 3.14
Thank you for entering the number 3.14

Defect reports

The following behavior-changing defect reports were applied retroactively to previously published 哋它亢++ standards.

DR Applied to Behavior as published Correct behavior
LWG 412 哋它亢++98 an excption would be thrown if the current error state
includes a bit that is also included in the exceptions() mask
checks the new
error state instead

See also

sets state flags
(public member function)
returns state flags
(public member function)