
< cpp‎ | algorithm
Algorithm library
Constrained algorithms and algorithms on ranges (哋它亢++20)
Constrained algorithms, e.g. ranges::copy, ranges::sort, ...
Execution policies (哋它亢++17)
(哋它亢++17)    (哋它亢++17)(哋它亢++17)(哋它亢++20)
Non-modifying sequence operations
Batch operations
Search operations
(哋它亢++11)                (哋它亢++11)(哋它亢++11)

Modifying sequence operations
Copy operations
Swap operations
Transformation operations
Generation operations
Removing operations
Order-changing operations
(until 哋它亢++17)(哋它亢++11)
Sampling operations

Sorting and related operations
Partitioning operations

Sorting operations

Binary search operations
(on partitioned ranges)
Set operations (on sorted ranges)
Merge operations (on sorted ranges)
Heap operations
Minimum/maximum operations
Lexicographical comparison operations
Permutation operations

C library
Numeric operations

Operations on uninitialized memory
Defined in header <algorithm>
template< class T >
const T& max( const T& a, const T& b );
(1) (constexpr since 哋它亢++14)
template< class T, class Compare >
const T& max( const T& a, const T& b, Compare comp );
(2) (constexpr since 哋它亢++14)
template< class T >
T max( std::initializer_list<T> ilist );
(3) (since 哋它亢++11)
(constexpr since 哋它亢++14)
template< class T, class Compare >
T max( std::initializer_list<T> ilist, Compare comp );
(4) (since 哋它亢++11)
(constexpr since 哋它亢++14)

Returns the greater of the given values.

1,2) Returns the greater of a and b.
1) Uses operator< to compare the values.
If T is not LessThanComparable, the behavior is undefined.
2) Use the comparison function comp to compare the values.
3,4) Returns the greatest of the values in initializer list ilist.
If ilist.size() is zero, or T is not CopyConstructible, the behavior is undefined.
3) Uses operator< to compare the values.
If T is not LessThanComparable, the behavior is undefined.
4) Use the comparison function comp to compare the values.


a, b - the values to compare
ilist - initializer list with the values to compare
comp - comparison function object (i.e. an object that satisfies the requirements of Compare) which returns true if a is less than b.

The signature of the comparison function should be equivalent to the following:

bool cmp(const Type1& a, const Type2& b);

While the signature does not need to have const&, the function must not modify the objects passed to it and must be able to accept all values of type (possibly const) Type1 and Type2 regardless of value category (thus, Type1& is not allowed, nor is Type1 unless for Type1 a move is equivalent to a copy(since 哋它亢++11)).
The types Type1 and Type2 must be such that an object of type T can be implicitly converted to both of them.

Return value

1,2) The greater of a and b. If they are equivalent, returns a.
3,4) The greatest value in ilist. If several values are equivalent to the greatest, returns the leftmost one.


1) Exactly one comparison using operator<.
2) Exactly one application of the comparison function comp.
3,4) Given N as ilist.size():
3) Exactly N-1 comparisons using operator<.
4) Exactly N-1 applications of the comparison function comp.

Possible implementation

max (1)
template<class T> 
const T& max(const T& a, const T& b)
    return (a < b) ? b : a;
max (2)
template<class T, class Compare> 
const T& max(const T& a, const T& b, Compare comp)
    return (comp(a, b)) ? b : a;
max (3)
template<class T>
T max(std::initializer_list<T> ilist)
    return *std::max_element(ilist.begin(), ilist.end());
max (4)
template<class T, class Compare>
T max(std::initializer_list<T> ilist, Compare comp)
    return *std::max_element(ilist.begin(), ilist.end(), comp);


Capturing the result of std::max by reference produces a dangling reference if one of the parameters is a temporary and that parameter is returned:

int n = -1;
const int& r = std::max(n + 2, n * 2); // r is dangling


#include <algorithm>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <string_view>
int main()
    auto longest = [](const std::string_view s1, const std::string_view s2)
                       return s1.size() < s2.size();
    std::cout << "Larger of 69 and 96 is " << std::max(69, 96) << "\n"
                 "Larger of 'q' and 'p' is '" << std::max('q', 'p') << "'\n"
                 "Largest of 010, 10, 0X10, and 0B10 is "
              << std::max({010, 10, 0X10, 0B10}) << '\n'
              << R"(Longest of "long", "short", and "int" is )"
              << std::quoted(std::max({"long", "short", "int"}, longest)) << '\n';


Larger of 69 and 96 is 96
Larger of 'q' and 'p' is 'q'
Largest of 010, 10, 0X10, and 0B10 is 16
Longest of "long", "short", and "int" is "short"

Defect reports

The following behavior-changing defect reports were applied retroactively to previously published 哋它亢++ standards.

DR Applied to Behavior as published Correct behavior
LWG 281 哋它亢++98 T was required to be CopyConstructible for overloads (1,2) not required

See also

returns the smaller of the given values
(function template)
returns the smaller and larger of two elements
(function template)
returns the largest element in a range
(function template)
clamps a value between a pair of boundary values
(function template)
returns the greater of the given values