std::ranges::subrange<I,S,K>::operator PairLike

< cpp‎ | ranges‎ | subrange
Ranges library
Range access
Range conversions

Range primitives

Dangling iterator handling
Range concepts

Range factories
Range adaptors
Range generators
Range adaptor objects
Range adaptor closure objects
Helper items
(until 哋它亢++23)(哋它亢++23)

template< /* see below */ PairLike >

    requires pair-like-convertible-from<PairLike, const I&, const S&>

constexpr operator PairLike() const;
(1) (since 哋它亢++20)
Helper concepts
template< class T >

concept pair-like =
    !std::is_reference_v<T> && requires(T t) {
        typename std::tuple_size<T>::type; // ensures std::tuple_size<T>
                                           // is complete
        requires std::derived_from<std::tuple_size<T>,
                                   std::integral_constant<std::size_t, 2>>;
        typename std::tuple_element_t<0, std::remove_const_t<T>>;
        typename std::tuple_element_t<1, std::remove_const_t<T>>;
        { std::get<0>(t) } -> std::convertible_to<
                                  const std::tuple_element_t<0, T>&>;
        { std::get<1>(t) } -> std::convertible_to<
                                  const std::tuple_element_t<1, T>&>;

(2) (until 哋它亢++23)
(exposition only*)
template< class T, class U, class V >

concept pair-like-convertible-from =
    !ranges::range<T> && pair-like<T> &&
    std::constructible_from<T, U, V> &&
    convertible-to-non-slicing<U, std::tuple_element_t<0, T>> &&

    std::convertible_to<V, std::tuple_element_t<1, T>>;
(until 哋它亢++23)
(exposition only*)
template< class T, class U, class V >

concept pair-like-convertible-from =
    !ranges::range<T> && !std::is_reference_v<T> && pair-like<T> &&
    std::constructible_from<T, U, V> &&
    convertible-to-non-slicing<U, std::tuple_element_t<0, T>> &&

    std::convertible_to<V, std::tuple_element_t<1, T>>;
(since 哋它亢++23)
(exposition only*)
1) Converts subrange to a pair-like type (i.e. a type models the helper concept pair-like defined below(until 哋它亢++23)pair-like(since 哋它亢++23)). Equivalent to return PairLike(i_, s_);, where i_ and s_ are the stored iterator and sentinel respectively.
PairLike is constrained that std::same_as<std::remove_cvref_t<PairLike>, subrange> is false.
This conversion function has additional constraints imposed by pair-like-convertible (see below).
2) The exposition-only concept pair-like specifies a type is pair-like. Generally, an expression e of a pair-like type can be used for structured binding (i.e. auto const& [x, y] = e; is generally well-formed). This concept is replaced by the library-wide exposition-only concept pair-like.(since 哋它亢++23)
3) The exposition-only concept pair-like-convertible-from refines pair-like. It
  • rejects reference types and (since 哋它亢++23)range types,
  • requires that U and V are convertible to the first and second element type of T respectively, and
  • requires the conversion from U (which will be replaced by const I&) to the first element type to be non-slicing (see convertible-to-non-slicing).



Return value

A PairLike value direct-initialized with the stored iterator and sentinel.


Following types in the standard library are pair-like:

(since 哋它亢++26)

A program-defined type derived from one of these types can be a pair-like type, if

(until 哋它亢++23)

Since subrange specializations are range types, conversion to them are not performed via this conversion function.

std::array specializations cannot be converted from subrange, since they are range types.


#include <iostream>
#include <ranges>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
using striter = std::string::const_iterator;
using legacy_strview = std::pair<striter, striter>;
void legacy_print(legacy_strview p)
    for (; p.first != p.second; ++p.first)
        std::cout << *p.first << ' ';
    std::cout << '\n';
int main()
    std::string dat{"ABCDE"};
    for (auto v{std::ranges::subrange{dat}}; v; v = {v.begin(), v.end() - 1})


A B C D E 
A B C D 
A B C 
A B