std::unitbuf, std::nounitbuf

< cpp‎ | io‎ | manip
Input/output library
I/O manipulators
Print functions (哋它亢++23)
C-style I/O
File I/O
String I/O
Array I/O
Synchronized Output
Error category interface
Input/output manipulators
Floating-point formatting
Integer formatting
Boolean formatting
Field width and fill control
Other formatting
Whitespace processing
Output flushing

Status flags manipulation
Time and money I/O
Quoted manipulator
Defined in header <ios>
std::ios_base& unitbuf( std::ios_base& str );
std::ios_base& nounitbuf( std::ios_base& str );

Enables or disables automatic flushing of the output stream after any output operation. Has no effect on input.

1) Enables the unitbuf flag in the stream str as if by calling str.setf(std::ios_base::unitbuf).
2) Disables the unitbuf flag in the stream str as if by calling str.unsetf(std::ios_base::unitbuf).

This is an I/O manipulator, it may be called with an expression such as out << std::unitbuf for any out of type std::basic_ostream or with an expression such as in >> std::unitbuf for any in of type std::basic_istream.


Flushing is performed in the destructor of the std::basic_ostream::sentry object, which calls str.rdbuf()->pubsync() if str.flags() & std::ios_base::unitbuf is true.

The standard output objects std::cerr and std::wcerr have their unitbuf bit set by default.


str - reference to I/O stream

Return value

str (reference to the stream after manipulation).


Without std::unitbuf or another explicit flush, the output is the same, but does not appear in real time.

#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
template<typename Diff>
void log_progress(Diff d)
    std::cout << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(d)
              << " ... ";
int main()
    volatile int sink = 0;
    std::cout << std::unitbuf; // enable automatic flushing
    const auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    for (int j = 0; j < 5; ++j)
        for (int n = 0; n < 10000; ++n)
            for (int m = 0; m < 20000; ++m)
                sink += m * n; // do some work
        log_progress(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - start);
    std::cout << '\n';


571ms ... 1146ms ... 1722ms ... 2294ms ... 2865ms ...

See also

flushes the output stream
(function template)
outputs '\n' and flushes the output stream
(function template)